Horace Greeley High School
Chappaqua, NY

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Important - Please note that all email addresses have had their "@" signs replaced with " (at) " and you will have to put them back in if you would like to send email to the news authors on this page.

November 2017 Class of '60 Newsletter
Hi all,

The latest edition of the class newsletter is available for your perusal and comment. Let me know if you encounter any difficulties or spot errors/typos, etc. It's pretty long, with inputs from 22 people and lots of pictures, so it might be slow loading, depending on your connection speed. The mobile editor is kind of touchy, so sometimes the pictures don't line up right, depending on your device. Seems to work just fine on the IPhone.

If you want to send anything in, go right ahead - I expect to do a "Page 2" for additional inputs.

Best wishes and warm season's greetings to all.

Here's the link:


Old Westchester Newspapers
George Williams (Class of '62) has found a website containing old Westchester County newspapers: http://nyshistoricnewspapers.org Enter your name (or your name and Chappaqua) and bring back memories and photos from days past. So fun! Many thanks, George.

Sad news
Hi all,

Recently received word from Gay that Archie Allen died last week after a long battle with cancer. (Gay and Archie were classmates at Williams College.)

You can see his pic and a link to his obituary on the class web site. I added it to the most recent newsletter. Here is the page link:


Best wishes,

Editor's note: The obitiuary can be found at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/burlingtonfreepress/obituary.aspx?n=archibald-john-allen&pid=184126031

Newsletter Update
Hi all, and a happy new year to you.
As my last act before I start to get old (I turn 75 tomorrow), I just published an update to the last newsletter. Not a lot to report, but still some nice inputs and pictures.
Also a pitch to use the Facebook group for the class if you want to send news out to the 63 classmates already signed up. Check it out.
Here's the link to the newsletter update.


Best wishes,

Class of '60 December 2016 Newsletter
Greeting all -

Well, here it is two days before Christmas and I somehow have the time to do a newsletter. What's wrong with this picture? I must have missed something I was supposed to be doing. I'm sure I'll find out day after tomorrow.

The latest newsletter is available for your review and comments. Let me know if you find errors or have problems with the display.

There's lots of news!

Also, if I missed something you sent, by all means tell me. It's easy update the page.

If you meant to send something but didn't, go ahead and send it. I'll be adding a second page as usual.

Here's the link: http://www.greeley-class-of-60.com/november-2016

best wishes to all.

Dave Williams

Class of '60 Newsletter Update
Hi all,

Just published another page to the February newsletter with some recent inputs from classmates, to include one of our former teachers. You have to check out the page to find out who...

Just click on this...


Best wishes,

Class of '60 February 2016 Newsletter
Hi all,

You can access the latest newsletter at this link. http://www.greeley-class-of-60.com/#!february-2016-newsletter/rugiu

Let me know if you have any problems or note any mistakes. Still plenty of room for more inputs. Just send them on and I'll put them right in.

Best wishes,

Summer 2015 Class Newsletter
Hi all,

Here is the link to the new/interim class website as I fill in for Beth until further notice.

It's on kind of a reduced scale right now, with only a home page and a newsletter page, but right now the focus is to get out a newsletter and some information/queries about a tentative reunion plan.

Anyway, here's the link - let me know if you have any difficulties. Also, if you have some input you'd like to make, just send it on to me, and I'll insert it. Heck, if I get enough I'll just add a page.... It's easy to do.



Happy Spring Newsletter
Please visit this link to access Herd in the Halls online. Do let me know if you have any problems.


The autumn issue of Herd in the Halls
Dear All

A smidgeon later than I’d planned, but life intervened as it tends to. Anyway, although the issue is a bit on the light side, I hope you’ll enjoy it. It officially launches our new domain name, and it’s our first themed missive. And thanks to all who’ve sent in news to share – otherwise it wouldn’t be a newsletter at all. Doh!

Please click this link:

Please let me know asap if anyone cannot access any of the pages. I recommend setting your browser window to full fat strength.

All the best in the chillier months ahead. See you sometime in the New Year – YIKES!

Happy Valentine's Online Newsletter!
Many thanks to all who’ve sent in news for this February 2014 online issue of Herd in the Halls.

Read the newsletter online: http://www.hghs1960.com/winter14/index.html

I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you have any problems.

Be kind to yourselves and each other.


Sad news
With thanks to Dave, Gay, and Peter Davidson, we've recently learned of the sad death of our classmate Grant Schroeder.

His family had arranged hospice care toward the end. Dave's found the obituary website [link below] where you can leave a message on the Guest Book until 19th July. I'm sure Grant's family would appreciate your contribution.


Of course we'll mark Grant's passing in the next issue of the newsletter, which should be ready in mid-late August.

Tribute to Ken
Dear All

Please click this link to visit the online tribute to our much-missed classmate Ken Nye: http://www.womenstuff.org/ken_nye/

The next newsletter will be issued early in the New Year. Until then, please be happy and safe over the winter festivities.


Herd in the Autumn Halls!
Hot off the Press! Enjoy ... and please lemme know about any probs.


Happiness to you all.

Herd in the Halls - Spring 2012
Here's the link to the Spring edition of our online newsletter


I hope you enjoy it.

Jeanne Irwin
The Class of 1960 was sad to hear that one of our valued teachers Jeanne Irwin recently suffered a fall. When you're over 90, that's not a simple thing.

We all wish her well, and we'll keep everyone informed about her progress.

Herd in the Halls II - Winter 2011
The winter edition of the online newsletter is waiting for you. Thanks so much to all who contributed and for all your lovely comments, guaranteed to bring a smile to a girl's face!


Autumn 2011 Edition of Herd in the Halls
It's that time again ... another early-bird end-of-summer edition of Herd in the Halls II.


The website IS the newsletter. Click around and you will be able to print out the pages you want to read at leisure. In the interests of the environment, please only print what you need, and try to print double-sided if you possibly can.

There may be a top-up edition if anyone wants to send me their summer news.

Please contact me immediately if you have any problems. Any problems at all. I will be more than happy to help.

I hope you enjoy this issue.


Herd in the Halls - Spring update
Our Spring 2011 is now ready for your delectation and delight. There are some new Classmate pages - including some exciting news from Dave! Be sure to check out the new Archive section, and a new page of Other news - all accessible on the menu bar.

Please do let me know if you have any problems with any of the pages. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy another bit of 1960 bonding.

Have a great summer - and don't forget to send items for the next issue. I hope to publish sometime in August/September.


Class of 1960 Newsletter
Please click http://raccoon42.com/spring_2011/ this link to check out our new-look newsletter.

All comments, corrections, bribes & bombshells gratefully received!

Holly Thomas Keeble 1942-2009
Sorry to report this. Here is the email from Holly's hubby, Terry:

"Holly passed away in August after a very brief illness It turned out that she had colon cancer which she had taken to be indigestion. Holly declined medical attention and died quietly at home. If you can, please pass this news on to the class. I thought you guys were and are a great bunch when we met at the 40th. She loved you all."

New Class of '60 newsletter
Hi all,

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the Internet....

The new edition of the class newsletter is available for you at this link:

If you sent me something and I missed it somehow, please let me know and I will fix it right away. If you have stuff to send, by all means do so -- I will be adding a "Page 2" to the letter and I can easily insert anything you like. If I got something wrong, please tell me, so I can fix it.

The mailing address and email pages are still works in progress, so if you see errors, let me know. I will be adding several email addresses in the next day or so.

If you talk with classmates who are not getting the newsletter and would like to, ask them to contact me. I have several email addresses these days, but the best one for class business is davetwilliams (at) comcast.net.

Best wishes,

Class of 1960 Newsletter
Once again, a new class newsletter is inflicted upon you. This is the "provisional" version, and a work in progress. If you sent me something and I left it out, or if I got something wrong, or if you want to get a new item in, by all means send it to me and I will act immediately.


Class of '60 Newsletter
As promised (several times) the new class newsletter is available for your viewing pleasure and critical review at the URL below. You should be able to just click and be instantly transported there. If for some reason you have to type the address into your browser, please note that the "DaveWilliams" portion is all one word and case-sensitive (Upper case D and W, others lower.)


Class of 1960 Reunion 2000 Update
Warmest holiday greetings to all -
There are now 5 pages of reunion pictures posted. You can click on the URL below to get to the first one. Just follow the links from there to see it all.

Dave Williams


Class of 1960 Reunion 2000 Update
The latest, and probably final, update on the reunion is available for your viewing pleasure at the link listed below. We are up to 64 people now. Always room for more. Check out the name list -- maybe it will inspire you to come see some old friend or maybe take revenge on an old enemy, who knows?



Re: Memories
Thought this might interest you. Greeley is number 18 in the country, and 7 of the top 20 are from NY state.


Class of '60 newsletter
The new issue of Herd in the Halls is ready for your viewing pleasure at the URL below.


I guess I'll take a little liberty with the system to pass on some news about myself. My daughter Cindy had a baby girl this morning, Abigal Rose Mitchell. Mother and daughter (and father) doing fine. So, like many of you, I is a grandparent too.

Dave Williams

Horace Greeley Graduate Directory
A firm known as Graduate Connection is preparing a new Horace Greeley graduate directory. Many of you got the one published in 1992, and the next one is scheduled for June of '97. If you wish to order one, or to make sure your name is included in the next issue, you can call them at 1-800-238-0459. (I'm not getting a commission on this - I just know that many people who did not know about the last edition wished they had, so here is a chance if you are interested.)

Online Magic Advertisement
Hi ... I'm from the Class of '60 ... we do seem to have alot of computer nerds ... I'm definitely among 'em.

In fact, I'm now working for a company called Online Magic [offices in NY and London] and I'm producing corporate websites, with some pretty hefty clients like British Airways, and [UK]Channel 4 TV, etc.

So ... anyone out there whose company is ripe for the Net and wants a truly remarkable site? Please contact me, and I'll let you know how we're getting known as the best Web Design and build companies in the world! Keep it in the Greeley family All best wishes

Beth Porter
The only constant is change ... got any spare?
beth (at) beep.demon.co.uk
b.porter (at) ukonline.co.uk
beth (at) onlinemagic.co.uk
voice: 44+ 171 323 4958

Bibi Besch
Hollywood actress Bibi Besch, '59 passed away from cancer. She had roles in several films and TV shows, most recently, Law and Order.