Horace Greeley High School
Chappaqua, NY

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Update Please
Yes, my name is no longer Roberta Clark HG '50- "Robbie". Short story: as one who "wears many hats" that I changed to MollyBee Welkin when I settled upon open mike poetry/storytelling performances. Last night I returned from a mass reunion (44-69)in NM -Terrific!! Thus, I would like to recieve an update on ours in September 2005. A studio address with a "penthouse" view on Capital Hill: 1501 17th Ave #1206 Seattle WA 98122 - Wishing you all well, "Bee"

Class of '50 Reunion Announcement
HGHS 1950 CLASS-- 50th Reunion...including other classes 1939-1954 have been invited. Earl indications are for a good turnout, but need confirmations NOW. Class of 1951 will also have BIG presence.

September 29 Friday Arrival Holiday Inn, Mt. Kisco Coctail Party 6-8 p.m.
  • private room Heavy hor d'oeuvres
  • Cash Bar
  • dinner for those who desire.
  • You're on your own. $17.00pp

September 30 Saturday Bell School Breakfast
  • Visit Museum/Historical Tour $9.00

September 30 Saturday Holdica Inn, Mt Kisco
  • Dinner-Dance 7-11 p.m. Great DJ Booked --from Class of 49 reunion. $43.00pp

October 1 Sunday Breakfast Buffet 8:30 Holiday Inn --Departure.$11.00pp
Holiday Inn Reservatiions for "Greeley Weekend" 914-241-2600 $119.00 per night.
Send Reunion checks and confirmations - Mail to:
HGHS Reunion 2000, Al Hutin 49 Highland Avenue, Chappaqua, New York 10514
Bert Griffith 810-245-5645
Ada Harcourt Raymond -413-528-5251
Lillian Schroeder Boardman - 802-863-1586
Jack Diamond 203-272-2275
Gay Forsythe Reich 703-536-4287
Nick Palmieri 914-277-2201
Connie Ketchum 207-985-2994
Joe Infantino 914-238-9383